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فروش اسلیت لمپ مدل SL-3C-Topcon

فروش اسليت لمپ مدل SL-3C-Topcon

Topcon SL-3C Haag-Streit Type Slit Lamp
The SL-3C is the Topcon version of a traditional Haag-Streit type slit lamp with superb optics and an illumination system made for the practitioner preferring this design. A first class diagnostic instrument for the busy practice with the following characteristics:
• Continuously adjustable slit length 1 to 8mm and width 0 to 9mm
• Slit beam inclination up to 20 degrees in four 5 degree steps
• Choice of magnifications with 10X or 16X eyepieces to maximum of 25.6X
• Four built in filters and seven apertures
• Optional pachometer attachment

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نادر کشفی
  • تهران، هفت تیر-ابتدای مفتح جنوبی-خیابان سعید همراه-پاک20-طبقه ی اول یادوم- شرکت پارایه
  • 021 8830 0219
  • واتساپ
نادر کشفی
آگهی: فروش اسلیت لمپ مدل SL-3C-Topcon
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